Monday, September 27, 2010


The first trait on my “Traits of a Good Manager?” list are high personal integrity and moral courage.

Integrity (2010), according to, is: “adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.”

The first step in this process, as I discussed in my May 27, 2010 blog, is for each of us to figure out what moral standards and ethical principles we are going to follow.

We must first form, and then inform, our conscience!

We must model the behavior we want from our employees. Without integrity, it's tough, if not impossible, to lead people for very long.

Integrity brings moral courage with it. Integrity forces us to tell the truth even when it puts us (or the company) in a bad light. Integrity is the foundation of our commitment to doing the right thing even when it might cost us our job (or the company money). Integrity gives us the courage to stand up and say “this isn't right when no one else dares.

And it is Integrity that gives us the authority to lead”...and the right to call ourselves leaders.

So, my friends, I hope you'll take some time to look at your life and your actions and change them to conform to the words you spout to your people every day.


I'd love to hear what you think. Feel free to leave a comment here or e-mail me at:

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